Thursday, April 8

Super Cow

today. i learnt about super cow in tuition. (:

here goes the super cow story (i edited some parts of the story)

one upon a time.
there was a cow that is always facing down because it is always eating grass
one day it lifted it's head
and saw a hill full of tasty grass
so it climbed the hill (kinetic enerygy)
finally it reached the top of the hill and it was a sunny day (heat energy)
when it was happily eating
it tripped and fall down
while rolling down it moo-ed for help (sound energy)
it rolled down and hit a pole
the pole has electrical wires. 
and there were sparks. (light energy & electric energy)
he went rolling rolling rolling.
and finally it reached the bottom of the hill.
there was a factory which produces nuclear bombs
it continue eating but it didnt know that
the grass was conteminated with nuclear
and it had a special nuclear power (nuclear energy)
and it became a