it's true. it's not a lie. a real testimony.
when i was all alone. i know i always lean on my own understanding.
but this verse from the Bible suddenly came to me

then i realise.
i have to pray. God is the only way.
so i went to the corner. where nobody can see my or at least i can't see anybody to pray
i prayed and prayed. finally when i prayed that somebody i know will help me
God instantly send an angel
i heard the sound of my dad's car
i was over whelmed. and i believe that it was God who did it.
it wasn't a coincidence.
i believe that God was with me all along. i just can feel it.
because I'm normally a coward but this time. i wasn't scared at all
God is GOOD
He is REAL
in Jesus' name my prayers are ANSWERED.
Thank You Jesus.