Tuesday, December 15


okay. so i'm back from YLDP
it took me a long time to update
i'm sorry
i learnt many thing in YLDP
i hope i remember
let me start from day 1
we travelled like about 7 hours
sit til butt pain
after 7 hours we are finally there
Praise The Lord
so they assign us to our dorm
okay. so i went up.
all of us were in different levels
i was in room 'Jasmine 1' 2nd floor
when i walked in
i was like.
i dont know anybody
so freaky
then i got scared and go find Joanna
we had dinner than we had Plenary 1
our speaker was pastor Mike Ooi
i think so i got it right
he talked about American football
and our Bible is like a rule book
but if we take it as a rule book it would be very boring
so he asked us to take our Bible as a playbook
cause it teaches us how to play
and what it says we follow
after that we had an alter call
our challenge was to make a TOUCHDOWN
so i did
i made a commitment to TOUCHDOWN
and to take my Bible as a Rule Book and use it as a Playbook
and meditate on it day and night
okay so now i do meditate on it
not day and night
day only la. sorry to say
but i still do meditate on it
after that they split us up into our devotional groups
guess who i was with?
i'll tell you
i was stuck with Jun Liang
but i was happy la
at least i know somebody
better than sitting there alone
then i got to know my Devotion Group mates
*Wei Ling (our leader and so called bully)
*Jun Liang (Pastor's Son)
*Ruth (Pastor's Daughter)
*Jonathan (a guy from somewhere. i cant remember)
*Nicholas (the naughty 1)
*Rebekah (the quite 1)
okay. so i got along with them great
nap time. said goodnight and went back to our dorm
so i got to know a few of my dorm mates
they are nice people
funny too
i'm glad to know them
* Rachel - 13years old - Penang (the girl who pees 5 times a night)
* Janice - 13years old - Penang (the quite but nice 1)
* Charmaine - 15years old - Seremban (not sure) - (Lemon)
* Katherine - 17years old - Seremban (not sure) - (the girl that just finished SPM)
* Eugenie : me - 14years old - Klang - (the girl that cant stop laughing)
* Eunice - 13years old - JB (the girl that has lots of text message at night)
* Cherrie - 17years old - KL (the girl that talks to her boyfriend in the middle of the night)
* Kimberly - 15years old - Subang (the girl who has an awsome sir name : BOEY)
* Melody - 17years old - Kepong (the girl that loves Jesus)
okay i dont think my brain can take anymore
Day 2
first time with my devotional groups so happy
we really went crazy
those guys are really nice
after that worship
than lesson1
we made a sock puppet
my groups puppet cant really work
sad to say and it was ugly
bla bla bla than lunch
then team building
it is actually games la
we had war. woohoo
sponge war
heart ache my Step Up shirt but it's okay
bla bla bla Plenary 2
our challenge was to call our parents
but i didnt
something was holding me back. so sad la T.T
Day 3
day 3 wasnt anything special eccept for the session
they asked us to write a postcard saying we're sorry to our parents
that really hurt but i wrote it
thank God
then we had special night
we had games. AWSOME
Day 4
bla bla bla
we played 2012
so fun la
our first station was Abishua's station
the asked us to sing the theme some
actually it was me cause i'm the secret character
cause i didnt watch the movie
i felt so bad
but my team members were awsome
the understand and they comfort me
so is Abishua
Love you guys so much
bla bla bla
Planary 3
this time
the challenge was for us to let go and forgive
i didnt want to stand but
in the end i think God made me stand
okay then i stand they pray for me. cry cry cry. boo hoo hoo
than Sam was worst. Satan went into his body and didnt know what he did to Sam
so we prayed for sam
pray pray pray
my hand cant stop shaking
at that time
i know that God was in me
after that Sam let go and the victory was to God
All Glory To God
so we cry cry. hug hug. did everything. and we were so happy
day 5 (bye bye day)
we had The Amazing Race for session
it's really stressed out
but God was with us and we had a fun time
had lunch with Nicholas and Samuel and with Uncle Herbert
Samuel told us some lame jokes
made me laugh so hard that i couldnt eat my much
after that said bye bye to Cameron
aww. T.T
round and round the Cameron Hill
Eugenie got bus sick
almost puke in the bus and got sick
Stop goes the bussy
so when we reach tapah stop
went down and puke
so met up with Nicholas
he was eating Donut
the smell of the Donuts made me feel like puking again
got up the bus. happy journey. sleeping and texing Nicholas
this few days of camp i really got so close with Nicholas. haha
oops. just friends dont think too much
longest post ever