Friday, December 25


hey friends.
it's that time of year again.
it's Christmas.......!!!! 'whoooo' (:
Blessed Christmas to everybody out there
in te midst of all this fellowship, food, chaos & activities
i just want to remind you guys that Christmas isn't just nother festival
but on this day
God send his One and ONLY son in a form of a human just to feel what we are going thru
and die for us. so that we can have eternal life.
the love of Christ gave us eternal life.
ain't it just amazing?
okay. so today. my church Wesley Methodist Klang
had a Christmas Musical entitled 'On Christmas Day'
and of course I'm a part of that musical. (:
it was awesome
although some stuff went wrong but God still love us.
and the congregation didnt notice. haha. good for us
heard from the choir that Auntie Jane's espresion was WOW
super funny. she make her face. the choir was like. can't laugh. must sing
so it went like some of them stoped to catch a breath. so funny.
us dancer's also. super 'kan cheong' until come out wrong time
so my group was like blur d. than i have to ask them
GO!!! just GO!! she came in the wrong timing. so just GO!!!
wah. i think everybody was like looking at me.
and i couldnt get to my place in time so have to run. haha.
good thing i didn't trip on the super long skirt
haih. about that skirt. make me look fat.
but on't care la. i'm doing it for God not for man. Fat ma Fat la. ish