canteen day tickets anyone?
yup it's that kind of year again
pretty girls from convent starting to sell coupons for canteen day
guys trying to make themselves look good to impress girls
teachers trying their best to get the students to sell all their tickets
money money money flowing in from pockets into the school
well i wonder what they do with the money.
hmm let me think
they're building another indoor hall
wow. then what will happen to our beloved tennis court?
what will happen to our ever famous 'Yes We Can' stairs?
and and and you make it indoor
how are we going to have our canteen day in the coming years?
haih. don't try to change our Convent tradition.
don't try to take away what we love for the sake of the name of our school
it's just not fair.
i want Convent to stay the way it is
it's natural beauty (the girls and the school)
okay back to the point.
tickets are sold at RM10 per booklet
please support us yadah yadah yadah
not going to give a speech
so yea. please support us.
byebye ;)