Friday, February 11


had the best bio lesson in class today..
teacher changed from a evil monster to a very nice angel..
so cute.. (=

i just wanna thank God that He has blessed be with awesome teachers all the way. although some are just annoying. but they're okay..

actually today was the best day in school ever.
had fun with gugu during add maths. i forgot what we were doing.

and then during sejarah. i don't know what on earth was wrong with me and phoebe.
we were laughing all the way.. then we were playing.. like kids.. :p
the i was miming... and she laughed so hard that she spitted saliva on me. EWW!!!
but it was still funny..
until pn. Renuka came in and we had to stop. xD
man that was EPIC!!!

then during LiE class. phoebe was singing nursery rhymes and i added 'chicken' to every line.
don't ask why.. i'm just weird.
we we continued singing through recess and when we came up i was still 'chicken'ing
when we went out for lunch with her dad she was still singing and i was still 'chicken'ing
we're just crazy epic friends. but I LOVE HER... <3
see ah be i love you so much you BEE.