Wednesday, November 3

a dream, a testimony.

i had a dream a few days ago.
which i can't forget it till now
kindda lame. but meaningful 

before i went to bed i watched this show where this 2 kids got stuck in the elevator.

and here comes the connection

my dream
i got stuck in the elevator with 2 other people.
which i totally forgot who were they
but yea. we were stuck in the elevator. *super scary*

and the elevator went zooming down. floor by floor it went falling down
till we reached the bottom floor. it turned into a railway track.
we all know that the elevator/train was going to crash
so we started screaming.


i suddenly thought of something
i should get on my knees and start praying
so i cried out to God. GOD, HELP!!!

and an instant answered prayer
i pop out somewhere else. out of the train that was going to crash.

the rest of my dream you don't have to know

i've learnt something from that dream
just cry out to Him.

really touched by God's grace.

this is truly a dream, a testimony from God.

thank You Jesus