Monday, June 7

What I learnt

okay. so for the pass few days you see me missing on facebook. and yea. i went for church camp
and it was just awesome
God's presence was really there
want to know what happened during the camp?
sit back relax and start reading

Day 1
Session 1
actually i learnt a lot during day 1 itself.
the Church Camp Theme is actually
Church Under Renovation.. Soon To Shine Like Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:18)
I learnt that Our Eye is a Gateway to our soul and Our 'Eye' is the LAMP of our body
God will give us clearity of vision but it's starts from our spiritual condition - From Where you ARE
and A Clear Vision is A Vision of FAITH
God is trying to tell us that the pureness of our hearts will determine the clearness of our vision
so start walking in faith and claim the land
Part with the Lots (if you dont understand read Genesis 13) in your life and God will show you things He promises you.

Day 2
Session 2
if we want to shine like Jesus, we have to live The Narrow Way (Matthew 7:13-14) (Deuteronomy 30: 15-20)
sometimes entering the narrow gate is difficult and it reqires a lot of hard work
you might be condamned, you'll be in danger but all the hard work and effort that you made will pay off
and you might be weird carrying the cross of Jesus but it is the narrow way
to carry the cross is to
Think like Christ (always ask What Would Jesus Do before you do things)
Act like Christ
Live like Christ
we can only walk into the narrow way Through JESUS CHRIST!
when we change and become more like Jesus, we will find the treasure that god has given to us and it will never change, bt when you find the treasure, you will change and you'll find JOY in Him.

Session 3
Disturb us Lord!
The greatest cost of man-kind is Eternal Life
(Luke 5:1-11)
1. Start Small
start by obeying God and respond to His callings
and begin to love people by the Gospel
As one person I cannot change the world, but i can change the world of one person.
2. Go Deep
Have FAITH : faith comes from hearing the word of God
3. Surrender All
(Luke 5:11b)

Day 3
Session 3
was just great. God really spoke to us in a unique way
and PTL a soul was save
and i found my gift that God gave
and i havent use that much tissue in during an altar call.
i dont know why the aunties keep giving me tissue.. ==