Wednesday, February 24


this happens like every year.
tarik tali.
yellow and red fight.

yellow house better not lose again this year.
remember the tears shed by each of the yellow house members *i wont lie. including me*

i feel that i betray yellow house this year wei. feel so guilty.
never mind. purple you guys better win.
and xiao ming better treat me. haha. just kidding
be her model today. so sui
so almost poke my eyes out.
terrible person. so mean. (just kidding)

but i realise that xiao ming isn't that bad at all.
she's actually nice. (:

jor. yellow house.
keep praying wei.
we're going to get last again this year.
it's a tradition. so i don't mind.
just that we cheer to the max.

we love you yellow. we do.
we love you yellow. we do.
we love you yellow. we dooo.
yellow we love you.